digital / digidol

None of us should underestimate the importance of online communications. Today it acts as front of house, and is vital to an organisation's success.

Yet too many charities and SMEs struggle to prioritise it, failing to exploit its potential to meet their different goals. 

Getting a handle on your social media platforms, website, blog posts, and SEO (search engine optimisation) can at times feel overwhelming. Which platforms to use? What are infographics? And do we need Facebook Live? It can be a mind-boggling maze.

I'm available to support your organisation to develop a simple yet effective digital strategy to make the most of the resources you have, auditing your existing presence and assessing your effectiveness, honing your messages to make those 140 characters work for you.

I can also provide a flexible remote social media service that will manage your social media profiles on a daily basis, develop and manage your blogs and/or train existing staff members to maintain and grow your presence online.  


Dim ond y fyrbwyll sy'n tanbrisio cyfathrebu ar-lein, gan mai dyma yw cyswllt cyntaf nifer o sefydliau â’r cyhoedd. Mae llwyddiant sefydliad yn dibynnu ar waith digidol o'r radd flaenaf. 

Eto i gyd, mae nifer o elusennau a busnesau bach a chanolig yn ei chael hi'n anodd i'w blaenoriaethu a felly'n methu gwireddu eu gwir potensial. 

Ar brydiau mae'n medru bod yn anodd iawn dod i ben â phob dim - eich llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gwefan, blog, heb son am eich SEO (search engine optimisation). A ddylech chi fod ar Trydar, Instagram neu LinkedIn? Oes angen Facebook Live? Beth yn y byd yw ‘infographic’? Gall fod yn ddrysfa pur. 

Rydw i ar gael i gefnogi eich mudiad wrth ddatblygu strategaeth ddigidol syml, sy’n gwneud y mwyaf o'r adnoddau sydd gennych, gan archwilio ac asesu eich effeithiolrwydd presennol.

Os hoffech, gallaf hefyd rhoi swmp i'ch cyfryngau cymedithasol, wrth reoli’n ddyddiol eich proffiliau a blogiau neu hyfforddi'ch staff i gynnal a thyfu'ch proffil yn uniongyrchol.