training / hyfforddi

Not all organisations have the budget to pay for a dedicated communications officer. Yet it is such an important element to the success of an organisation, it is worth investing some training budget towards building capacity in-house.  

From a lunchtime workshop to a two-day course, I can meet your training needs and ensure that your in-house capacity is as effective as possible.  

Perhaps you need a refresh on the basics in campaign design or want a simple introduction to lobbying? 

Or have you considered the role of staff members as brand ambassadors? Social media training to all staff may just be what you need to keep on top of your social media profiles?

Together, we can tailor a training session that will work best for your needs. 


Nid oes gan bob sefydliad y gyllideb i dalu am swyddog cyfathrebu. Eto i gyd, cymaint yw ei bwysigrwydd i lwyddiant sefydliad, mae'n werth ystyried buddsoddi yng ngallu eich staff presennol a'u hyfforddi i ymwneud a rhai elfennau o gyfathrebu sylfaenol.  

O weithdy amser cinio i gwrs deuddydd, gallaf lunio cwrs hyfforddi sy'n gweithio i chi a sicrhau bod eich staff â'r gallu i weithio mor effeithlon a phosib i gyrraedd eich amcanion. 

Efallai bod angen adnewyddu eich ymgyrchoedd neu gyflwyniad syml ar sut i lobïo?

Efallai gall aelodau'ch staff ddod yn llysgenhadon brand? Neu, o bosib, mae'ch aelodau staff angen hyfforddiant ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol er mwyn helpu diweddaru'ch proffiliau yn ddyddiol neu'n wythnosol. 

Gyda'n gilydd, gallwn deilwra sesiwn hyfforddi fydd o fudd i chi a'ch sefydliad.