strategy / strategaeth
A clear and focused communications strategy will be your roadmap to success.
Through a series of strategic planning days, we can work together to identify your organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in order to clarify your aims and objectives and develop a bespoke, cost-effective communications strategy that will deliver on outcomes and impact.
Perhaps you need a thorough audit of existing resources? I can conduct confidential auditing and in-depth surveys of your key stakeholders, in order to provide comprehensive recommendations on how to make the most of your communications resources.
Also available is ongoing quarterly, midterm or annual evaluation and auditing, to help refresh your communications strategy, so that you may respond effectively to an ever-changing political and funding climate, as well as your own programme of work.
Os ydych chi am lwyddo a chyrraedd eich hamcanion sefydliadol, bydd angen strategaeth gyfathrebu clir arnoch: yn debyg i fap.
Wrth drefnu diwrnodau cynllunio strategol gallaf weithio gyda chi i gadarnhau eich nod ac amcancion, gan ysyried eich cryfderau, gwendidau, cyfleoedd a bygythiadau, cyn datblygu strategaeth gyfathrebu unigryw fydd yn dwyn ffrwyth i'ch sefydliad, o ran effeithlonrwydd a chanlyniadau.
Oes angen archwiliad trylwyr o'ch hadnoddau presennol arnoch? Gallaf gynnal archwiliad manwl a threfnu arolwg cyfrinachol o'ch rhanddeiliaid allweddol, cyn cynnig argymhellion cynhwysfawr ar sut i wneud y mwyaf o'ch deunydd cyfathrebu.
Gall werthusiad blynyddol, chwarterol neu ganol-tymor o'ch strategaeth fod yn fuddiol hefyd, gan gynnig cyfle i'ch sefydliad adnewyddu ac ymateb yn fwy effeithiol i newid di-ben-draw yr agenda wleidyddol yn ogystâl â'ch rhaglen waith eich hunan.